The route starts near the village of Lentegí and walks up to El Puntal. The route is 12.2 km long, has an elevation of 539 m and takes about 5 hours to complete.
The route starts near the village of Lentegí. We make our way clockwise up past a lime kiln and to the Fuente de las Bizarras. From here we continue up to the Cerro de la Ferosa and then round the Cerro de la Florosa following the camino from Ítrabo to Granada. When we get to the Tajo de la Posta, we leave the track and make our way up to the top of El Puntal. Here we stop for lunch before making our way back down to the starting point.
This is a variation of the hidden Buddah walk we have been doing for years.
Distance | 12.124 km |
Duration | 5 hours 19 minutes GPX ------ 4 hours 23 mins (Naismith) |
Total Climb | 539 m |
Highest Point | 1189 m |
Weather Link | Click here |
Meeting Point: Start of the Road to Lentegí
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